publication fees


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Praise be to the God Almighty. Blessings and salutations upon the prophet Muhammad SAW.

ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah has been accredited nationally in SINTA 2 since 23rd December 2020. We would, like to extend our sincere appreciation to authors who have entrusted their manuscripts published at the Journal. We are currently working on improving the accreditation to be at SINTA 1. Hopefully this will motivate the stakeholders to improve the quality of the journal.

We as editorial team of ILKOM Scientific Journal always make efforts in improving management both in terms of organization and quality of published articles. Here are some important issues to be acknowledged:

  1. The journal evaluation process will be improved by paying more attention to the substance of the submitted manuscript, focusing on computer science or informatics.
  2. Involving reviewers from several countries.
  3. The minimum number of pages is 5 using Times New Roman, Size 10, Spacing 1 and using 1 column.
  4. The journal article will be published in English. (The submitted manuscript is advised using Bahasa Indonesian, please make sure the sentence and paragraph is easy to understand (concise and coherence) and if it is written in English the editor will still proofread the manuscript. This is to maintain the quality of published articles.
  5. English submission manuscript will be examined carefully. If it does not meet the standards both content and language quality, we will return the article to the author for revision.

Referring to the 5 important issues above, we would like to notify the author(s) that:

  1. The publishing fee for the ILKOM Scientific Journal is Rp. 2.000.000,-/article or 150 USD (for a 5 Page manuscript).
  2. The fee mentioned above includes the cost of plagiarism checking, translating and proofreading.
  3. If the article exceeds 5 pages, additional costs Rp. 150.000/page will be applied.
  4. Those who offer Hard Printing Color Books will be charged Rp. 500.000,-/exp. for printing and shipping costs

The above prices are applied for each submitted manuscript starting in January 2023.
For the manuscripts submitted before January and published in 2023, they will still be charged with old costs.

Thank you very much for your attention. We look forward accepting your manuscript
in the ILKOM Scientific Journal.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


The payment can be sent to the following account:

Bank : BNI

Account Holder's Name : Yulita Salim

Account Number : 0907264318

Payment receipt can be sent to link

Editor in Chief ILKOM Journal
Ir. Yulita Salim, S.Kom., M.T., MTA