Detection System of Strawberry Ripeness Using K-Means

Dolly Indra(1*); Ramdan Satra(2); Huzain Azis(3); Abdul Rachman Manga(4); Harlinda L(5);

(1) SCOPUS ID: 57196343003 - Computer Science - Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(2) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(3) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(4) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(5) Universitas Muslim Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author



Strawberry is one type of fruit that is favored by the people of Indonesia. The detection process to identify strawberries can be done by utilizing advances in computer technology, One of them is in the field of digital image processing. In this study, we made a strawberry ripeness detection system using the values of Red, Green and Blue as the reference values, while for identification in determining the type of classification using the K-Means algorithm that uses the Euclidean distance difference as the reference. Based on the results of testing using the K-Means algorithm on 51 strawberry images consisting of ripe, semi ripe and raw fruit yielding an accuracy rate of 82.14%, we also conducted tests other than strawberry images as many as 8 images yielded an accuracy rate of 100%.


Strawberry; detection system; RGB; K-Means; Euclidean Distance.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Dolly Indra, Ramdan Satra, Huzain Azis, Abdul Rachman Manga, Harlinda L

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