Particle Swarm optimization-based Neural Network method for predicting satisfaction of recipients of internet data quota assistance from the ministry of education and culture
Annahl Riadi(1); Irvan Muzakkir(2*); Marniyati H. Botutihe(3);
(1) Universitas Pohuwato
(2) Universitas Pohuwato
(3) Universitas Pohuwato
(*) Corresponding Author
AbstractThe free quota assistance program for students and lecturers is an assistance program provided by The Ministry of Education and Culture. This program has been implemented since the spread of the covid-19 pandemic in all regions of Indonesia. This assistance is expected to help students and lecturers carry out online learning caused by the pandemic covid-19. This study aims to predict the satisfaction level of the users so that it can help the government in advancing education. The data processing is carried out using the rapid miner application and the neural network method with particle swarm optimization. From the results of data processing, the accuracy value for the neural network algorithm model is 42.44%, and the accuracy value for the PSO-based neural network algorithm model is 91.86%. KeywordsNeural Networks; PSO; Covid-19; Quota Assistance; Pohuwato
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