The K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm using Forward Selection and Backward Elimination in Predicting the Student’s Satisfaction Level of University Ichsan Gorontalo toward Online Lectures during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Andi Bode(1); Zulfrianto Y Lamasigi(2); Ivo Colanus Rally Drajana(3*);

(1) Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo
(2) Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo
(*) Corresponding Author



Academic services are actions taken by state and private universities to provide convenience for student’s academic activities. During the current covid-19 pandemic, every university remains active in academic activities. This study aimed to apply the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm in predicting the level of student satisfaction with online lectures at University Ichsan Gorontalo. Our main aim was to obtain quantitative information to measure student satisfaction with online lectures during the pandemic, which should be taken into account when making decisions. K-Nearest Neighbor is a non-parametric Algorithm that can be used for classification and regression, but K-Nearest Neighbor are better if feature selection is applied in selecting features that are not relevant to the model. Feature Selection used in this research is Forward Selection and Backward Elimination. Seeing the results of experiments that have been carried out with the application of the K-nearest Neighbor algorithm and the selection feature, the results of the forecasting can be used for consideration or policy in decision making. The highest level of accuracy in the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm model used Forward Selection with an accuracy rate of 98.00%. Thus, the experimental results showed that feature selection, namely forward selection, was a better model in the relevant selection variables compared to backward elimination.


K-Nearest Neighbor; Feature Selection; Prediction; Online Lecture


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