Design and Build of IoT Based Flood Prone Monitoring System at Semani’s Pump House Drainage System

'Aisyah 'Aisyah(1); Aji Ery Burhandenny(2*); Happy Nugroho(3); Didit Suprihanto(4);

(1) Mulawarman University
(2) Mulawarman University
(3) Mulawarman University
(4) Mulawarman University
(*) Corresponding Author



Floods are a common disaster in watersheds, and flood control is difficult. However, losses can be reduced by quickly disseminating alert status information. This paper proposes a prototype of a monitoring system that can determine the status of flood alerts in real time and quickly disseminating to the community, allowing people to be better prepared for flood disasters. The system was developed using the R&D method and consists of hardware and software development. The hardware comprises several sensor modules to read the discharge, temperature, humidity, and water level and to transmit the readings to the software. The software is divided into two applications: a website application and a Telegram application. The public can find the flood alert status history data from the website and obtain flood alert status warning messages and the latest alert status from Telegram. The results of the tests indicated that the sensors were very accurate, with a MAPE value of less than 10%. The software test also showed that the input and output were according to design. The proposed system can potentially reduce flood losses by providing early warning information to the community. The system is also scalable and adaptable to other watersheds.


Flood; IoT; NodeMCU ESP 32; Telegram; Website


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