Optimizing a Fire and Smoke Detection System Model with Hyperparameter Tuning and Callback on Forest Fire Images Using ConvNet Algorithm
Suryani Suryani(1*); Muhammad Syahlan Natsir(2);
(1) Universitas Dipa Makassar
(2) Universitas Dipa Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author
AbstractForest fire is a significant issue, especially for tropical countries like Indonesia. One of the impacts of forest fires is environmental pollution and damage, such as damage to flora and fauna, water, and soil. Fire detection technology is crucial as a preventive measure before the spread or expansion of fire points. Several forest fire detection systems have been developed by various research studies, with detection targets varying. Objects in the form of images are usually detected using the RGB color filtering method, but this method still results in false detections in image processing. Therefore, a classification model is built to detect fire and smoke in images using the Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) algorithm. In the development of the ConvNet model, a comparison of models is also conducted to assess the influence of Hyperparameter Tuning and Callbacks in optimizing the model's classification performance. The research results indicate that out of the six comparison scenarios created, the best model is obtained with 90% training data and 10% testing data, which is also optimized with Hyperparameter Tuning and Callbacks, with a Validation Accuracy of 98.18% and Validation Loss of 4.97%. This model is then implemented in the interface system. KeywordsConvNet Algorithm; Detection System; Forest Fire; Image; Model Optimization.
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