Optimizing Windowing Techniques to Improve the Accuracy of Artificial Neural Networks in Predicting Outpatient Visits
Fredianto Nurcakhyadi(1*); Arief Hermawan(2);
(1) University of Technology Yogyakarta
(2) University of Technology Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
AbstractHospitals are healthcare institutions that play an important role in providing health services to the community. To optimize the service, hospitals need to predict the number of outpatient visits. The objectives of this research are (1) determine the effect of window size on the accuracy of predicting the number of outpatient visits, and (2) identify the best window size and accuracy of neural networks in predicting the daily number of outpatient visits. To achieve the research objectives, the following steps were undertaken: data collection of outpatient visits at RSUD dr. Soedirman Kebumen from 2018 to 2023, preprocessing, applying different window sizes, modeling neural networks, and testing by calculating the RMSE value for each window size. The test results show that the lowest RMSE for 2018 was 1.267 with a window size of 34, for 2019 was 1.262 with a window size of 34, for 2020 was 1.515 with a window size of 17, for 2021 was 1.81 with a window size of 18, for 2022 was 1.282 with a window size of 20, and for 2023 was 1.263 with a window size of 29. These window sizes indicate the cycle of outpatient visits each year. By understanding these visit cycles, the number of outpatient visits can be predicted at any time.
KeywordsArtificial Neural Network; Outpatient; Prediction; Windowing
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