'Pakarena' dance image classification using convolutional neural network algorithm
Abdul Ibrahim(1*); Rachmat Rachmat(2);
(1) STMIK Dipanegara
(2) Politeknik Informatika Nasional
(*) Corresponding Author
AbstractOne of the riches of the Indonesian nation comes from the diversity of ethnicities and cultures, especially dance, which is the culture of the Indonesian people, starting from their ancestors until now, their authenticity is still maintained. The wrong cultural dance that develops, especially in South Sulawesi, which consists of four (4) ethnic groups, namely: Bugis, Makassar, Toraja and Mandar, which have their own dance dances from each tribe in South Sulawesi to maintain this dance. There is a need for collaboration between local community leaders, government and researchers, especially researchers to raise dance dances from the Makassar Tribe called Pakkarena dance using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method to the Pakarena dance image in distinguishing or classifying an object on digital images with an accuracy level of 95 75%.
KeywordsMakassar Community Dance; Convolutional Neural Networks; Image
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