Improving Source Code Quality by Minimizing Refactoring Effort

Hayatou Oumarou(1*); Kabirrou Hamadou Tizi(2);

(1) The University of Maroua
(2) The University of Maroua
(*) Corresponding Author



Software maintenance is a time-consuming and costly endeavor. As a part of maintenance, refactoring is aimed at enhancing quality. Due to project deadlines and limited resources, developers need to prioritize refactoring activities. In this paper, we present a livestock management-inspired approach for identifying and prioritizing classes to refactor within an object-oriented program. This approach empowers developers to enhance the time/quality ratio. The novelty of our approach lies in utilizing established metrics for detecting code defects to prioritize each class. To validate its effectiveness, the approach was tested on four distinct Pharo-based open source programs. The results demonstrate the approach's efficacy in improving software quality, reducing development time, and enhancing team productivity


Evaluation Model; Maintainability; Metric; Refactoring; Software Quality


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