Prediction and Analysis of Rice Production and Yields Using Ensemble Learning Techniques

Yudha Islami Sulistya(1*); Aina Musdholifah(2); Chrissandy Sapuletea(3); Elsi Titasari Br Bangun(4); Hizbullah Hamda(5); Sarah Anjani(6); Abednego Dwi Septiadi(7);

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Institut Teknologi Telkom
(4) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(5) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(6) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(7) Institut Teknologi Telkom
(*) Corresponding Author



This research focuses on predicting and analyzing rice production and yield throughout the world using ensemble learning techniques. The study applies and compares three methods: linear regression, ARIMA, and ensemble learning, to predict rice harvest yields. The results show that ensemble learning techniques significantly improve prediction performance. For instance, the ensemble model for predicting area harvested, combining Model 6 (linear regression) and Model 10 (ARIMA), achieved  of coefficient of determination outperforming the individual models. Similarly, for predicting yield, the ensemble model combining Model 4 (linear regression) and Model 9 (ARIMA) achieved  of coefficient of determination indicating superior prediction accuracy. For predicting production, the ensemble model combining Model 2 (linear regression) and Model 8 (ARIMA) achieved  of coefficient of determination. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of ensemble learning in enhancing prediction accuracy with lower MSE and RMSE values. By analyzing various factors influencing rice yields, this research provides valuable insights for increasing rice production and yield, supporting efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of rice farming, and contributing to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Agricultural Efficiency; ARIMA; Ensemble Learning; Prediction; Rice Production; Rice Yield


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Copyright (c) 2024 Yudha Islami Sulistya, Chrissandy Sapuletea, Chrissandy Sapuletea, Elsi Titasari Br Bangun, Elsi Titasari Br Bangun, Hizbullah Hamda, Hizbullah Hamda, Sarah Anjani, Sarah Anjani

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