Heru Saputra(1*); Ilfa Stephane(2); Karfindo Karfindo(3); Silis Jelita(4);
(1) STMIK Indonesia Padang
(2) STMIK Indonesia Padang
(3) STMIK Indonesia Padang
(4) STMIK Indonesia Padang
(*) Corresponding Author
AbstractGeographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to work with spatially-referenced data or geographic coordinates. According to data owned by Traffic Directorate of West Sumatra Police, the number of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra is 48 points. This leads to the need for a Geographic Information System of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra based on the web to describe the map of vulnerable area locations along with the information needed. Geographic Information System Application of Web-Based Accident Complex, with programming languages (JavaScript and PHP), MySQL as database and Google Maps API. The result of this research is the creation of a web-based GIS application that can present information about the location of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra in detail and can be accessed easily be used people. KeywordsSIG; Web; Accident
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Copyright (c) 2018 Heru Saputra, Ilfa Stephane, Karfindo Karfindo, Silis Jelita

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