Enterprise architecture design using TOGAF at foundation of triputra persada horizon education
Arif Budimansyah Purba(1*); Ahmad Mubarok(2); Jajang Mulyana(3);
(1) STMIK Horizon Karawang
(2) STMIK Horizon Karawang
(3) STMIK Horizon Karawang
(*) Corresponding Author
AbstractThe use of information technology in the field of education is currently a top priority for managing academic and supporting activities. Tri Putra Persada Horizon Education Foundation which manages two high schools, namely the College of Health Sciences and the College of Information and Computer Management should face a challenge to align business strategy with information technology, and how to integrate all the parts involved in the business and represent it in an information system. To find out the business strategy and governance of information technology used at the Tri Putra Persada Horizon Education Foundation, an Enterprises Architecture Framework is needed, one of which is TOGAF ADM. The Enterprises Architecture design contained in TOGAF ADM includes a vision architecture that defines the vision of the company or agency, a mapped business architecture in the form of value chain analysis, an information system architecture in which there is a data architecture and application architecture and the last is technology architecture. This research produced an enterprise architecture design blueprint consisting of artifacts, in the form of catalogues, matrices, and diagrams based on the phases of TOGAF ADM. The result of the Enterprise Architecture design was an integrated information system recommendation and the technology architecture. The design is expected to be a reference in improving the quality of business and is expected to make it easier to achieve the business goals of the Tri Putra Persada Horizon Education Foundation.
KeywordsInformation Technology; Enterprise Architecture; TOGAF ADM
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